EErgoCert is the first internationally accredited Body for the Ergonomic Certification (ACCREDIA 2019).

Our body has issued almost 1.000 ergonomic certifications. ErgoCert becomes in 2005 the first certifying body for ergonomics to be accredited by SINCERT. In 2008 it decided to renounce the SINCERT accreditation, prestigious though it was, in order to become, in 2009, an Academic Spin-Off of the University of Udine. The new status did not modify the test procedure introduced and further developed on the basis of the accredited systems (which is at the heart of the certifications issued by ErgoCert, since it complies with the transparency rules the University of Udine too requires from the companies acknowledged as Spin-Offs).
In 2019, ErgoCert becomes the first internationally accredited Body for the Ergonomic Certification of products, processes and services according to ISO 17065 standard.

The ErgoCert Certification is based upon Regulations and Technical Specifications defining, for each Macro-Area (Polytechnical, Biomedical and Usability/User Experience), the evaluation requirements, the tests, and the acceptability limits for the ergonomic certification of products, processes and services according to CEI EN ISO/IEC 17065 standard.


schema certificazione 01 en


The “Regulation for the granting and retention of product ergonomic features certification” (D000-CEP) and the “General Technical Disciplinary” (D000-DTG) define the conditions and procedures applied by ErgoCert.



The following table reports the detail of the issued and currently in force certificates,
on the basis of the different Technical Specifications

 tabella ENG 07112023


In order to obtain the Certification, the process to be followed is reported below:

flow certificazione eng 29052019

This, for guarantee to our Customers impartiality, transparency and the highest reliability.




logo ergocert verticale h150ErgoCert is the first internationally Accredited Body for the certification of the ergonomic characteristics of professional and consumer products, processes, and services.


Ergonomics Certifying Institute srl
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Via Pradamano 4/A - 33100 Udine, Italy
Tel: +39 0432 229688 autom. d.
Fax: +39 0432 504717
skype: ergocert
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VAT: 02269420309


Accreditamento ACCREDIA